How To Send a Broadcast Email In Kajabi

kajabi quick tips

Watch the video for my step by step instructions and PIYP tips.

  1. Go To Marketing
  2. Click on Email Campaigns in the Left Hand Side Menu
  3. Click on the Blue New Email Campaign button (Top Right Hand Corner of your Screen)
  4. Choose Email Broadcast
  5. Fill in the Internal Title
  6. You'll land on Step 1 - Recipients.
  7. Decide whether you want All People or a Custom Segment
  8. Use the Custom Segment Filter to filter out the people you either don't want or do want to receive your email.
  9. Click Save and Enter and move to Step 2 - Edit Content.
  10. Fill in the Subject line and the body for your email.
  11. Add any automations that you may need.
  12. Save and Continue to Step 3 - Review Email
  13. Send a preview to yourself and double check everything
  14. At Step 4 - Send Email, decide whether you'll be sending now or scheduling at a later date.
  15. Confirm the broadcast.

All that's left to do is check back from time to time and look at the statistics to see who's opened the email and who hasn't. ❤️

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