Clean & minimal

Grab the Minimalist Product theme... 
Perfect for courses, memberships and resource areas.

KAJABI - Style it your way.

So... you're wanting to test out Kajabi, and create a product (Course, Membership, Mini Workshop) - Awesome!

You'll have a couple of options for product themes you can pick from.. but none that will make your Course or Membership shine. 😢

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Now what?

How about a cool Custom Theme?


But why would you pay money for a custom theme? Why wouldn't you just use the normal Kajabi Momentum Product Theme?

In short.... Because if you're anything like me, and you value beautiful design as well as really well thought out functionality.... then the stock standard themes ain't going to cut it!

No offence Kajabi - we love you ❤️, but sometimes a little bit of bling or an extra cool function can make you even better!!!  

So... if you value having a good-looking, well branded, and easy to use Members Portal --> then have a look at custom product themes & templates.

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Create your own minimalistic welcome page

Add blocks of text, images, cards or videos. This area is split into 2 columns area, a main dashboard and a sidebar. 

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Shrink or Expand the menu

This is as easy as turning the Accordion on or off!

Add in an Image Banner, and a Header

You can add in your logo, navigation menus and call to action buttons in the header. Note: the header appears on the home page only.

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Add in Your Brand Colors

You have even more control over where you want your brand and colors to appear!

Community Widget

Choose to show or hide the Community Widget. Link it to your Kajabi Community Product.

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Hide or Show

The choice is yours. Pick from various items to either show or not. Some items might not make sense for the type of content area you've created, so now you can set this up to suit.

Comes with a Favorites Page

You can choose to show this or not. It's great for your students/members to be able to mark lessons as a favorite and find them all on one page.

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It's time to WOW your students & members with this classy looking Theme!

Want to know what the theme looks like and what makes it different to Kajabi's normal Momentum Theme?

Perfect. You're in the right spot.

Check out the Video I made for you which takes you on a walk-through.

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Pastel Green Color Dots as a Divider

Single Payment

$139 usd

One time payment.
Yep your read that right... there's no monthly payment or ongoing licensing fees!

  • Custom Momentum Theme -  Simple, Clean and Beautifully laid out. 
  • Better navigation with logical left hand side menus - can be Accordion style or standard. Plus it has a header at the top.
  • You can choose your color scheme to match your branding
  • A simple and clean welcome page
  • Works for courses, memberships, or resource areas.
  • Hide course progress, turn off all comments, hide mark as complete and favorites.
  • Comes with full instruction tutorials, along with my top tips on how to set it up!
  • Lifetime access.
Pastel Green Color Dots as a Divider


Grab your Minimalist Custom Product Theme TODAY!

$139 USD


Got a question? 

No problem. Ask away.

🔒 We value your privacy. NO SPAM EVER.

easy install

Click on the Thumbnail to watch the video.

How to Upload Your Product Theme


Comes with a learning hub complete with all the tutorial videos you'll need.

Penny Clements Kajabi Template Designer

Who is this Penny


The Chit Chat Version: A mom, nature lover, entrepreneur [just like you]..., a computer geek, an avid learner, a creative, a master number (according to numerologists??? 🤔), someone who loves to travel (when she's allowed to!!!) and someone who loves meeting people from all walks of life!!
The "As Professional As I Get" Version: Penny Clements has been designing, creating, selling and using Kajabi since 2015 and was an early adopter of the platform when it relaunched. Having worked with various big names in the online industry, and helping them move to Kajabi, she has well and truly earned her stripes and understands this program better than most. But she’s also a creative and software ‘tinkerer’ from way back -- it was inevitable she would power up her keyboard and take Kajabi to another level. 

Hence Kajabi Product Themes and Page Templates. 🥳

Product Theme Differences Chart

Want to know all the differences between the various custom product themes?  Click the button.